matt, loved the article. As someone who has had many “shape shifting” systems over the past 50 years, I’m looking forward to your future articles. My only question at this point is what system are you currently running? Thanks

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I just wrapped up my system summary post: https://avantcrap.substack.com/p/evolution-of-an-audiophile-lite

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Thank you! I am actually planning a post breaking down my entire audio system in detail in the near future, including progress photos and detailed upgrades/modifications.

However, here's a short summary:

Turntable: Mitchell Orbe SE with Graham 2.2 tonearm and Hana ML cartridge

Phono pre-amp: ModWright PH 9.0 with both X & T upgrades, upgraded umbilical, and various NOS tube upgrades

Streamer/Server: Innuos Zen MK3

DAC: Allnic D-5000 DHT DAC

Preamp: Aric Audio Super 6SN7 with various tube upgrades.

Amplifier: Aric Audio Super 2A3 SET with various tube upgrades.

Speakers: Coherent Audio The 18 in Santos Rosewood (custom)

Power Filter: Saturn Audio 103c mkII

Cables: Triode Wire Labs

Custom solid walnut Audio Rack

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Turntable: Technics SL 1500c

Cartridges: Nagaoka JT1200 & MP110, AT12Sa (with new Shibata stylus, AT14S (with new Vivid line stylus)

Amplifier: Arcam cx Alpha plus6

Speakers: PSB Imagine B50

CD player: old Panasonic 24 bit DVD player 🙂

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Nice choices! Can't really ever go wrong with a good Technics. I briefly had an Arcam Diva CD72 way back when I thought about getting CDs, but ended up deciding to stick with analog only at the time and quickly flipped it. Still no CDs for me, but ended up going the streamer route.

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Absolutely loved this piece!

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!

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